Why Hawksight (HAWK) crypto surged 100%?

The Hawksight (HAWK) token skyrocketed more than 100% on Friday, a day after listing on Coinmarketcap and CoinGecko, two popular cryptocurrency information aggregators. 

Hawksight launched its Initial Dex Offering (IDX) and Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) on Kucoin, MEXC Global, and Raydium crypto exchanges on April 21. The token went live on these exchanges the same day,

The token soared 105.15% to US$0.1221 at 4:44 am ET on Friday, while its 24-hour trading volume surged by a whopping 755.07% to US$91.6 million.

What is Hawksight (HAWK)?

Hawksight is a Solana-based protocol – a super-app for decentralized, non-custodial investment management and quantitative trading. It aims to democratize data-driven investments through its unique trading strategies and simpler vault management.

It claims to enjoy all the benefits of the Solana ecosystem since it is built on the Solana blockchain. Some of the advantages include scalability, speed, security, and a user-friendly interface that can help support the mainstream adoption of DeFi. The project plans to use Solana as a critical entry point before expanding cross-chain with Terra. 

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Users must deposit USDC stablecoins to automate DeFi strategies and earn a profit-optimized yield on Solana and Terra. Its super-app offers AI-driven trading and social signals, DeFi NFTs, GameFi, synthetic assets, etc., to make smart investment decisions.  

Hawksight expects its low fee, just US$10 USDC to start with, would make its adoption easy.

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Additionally, Hawksight provides direct access to any asset. One can also implement its trading strategies on decentralized exchanges that offer HAWK trading. The secure, non-custodial users will have control and ownership over their investment in the wallet.

Its DeFi app has recently gone through an internal and external audit. It also plans to create an insurance fund to protect users. One can access the app on Solana and Terra. 

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Why Hawksight (HAWK) crypto surged 100%?

Data Source: coinmarketcap.com

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Hawksight Investors

Hawksight AI trading signals reach more than 1.28 million individual and institutional investors, and the signals are integrated with institutions through API.

Its Signal Platform is a core growth engine to scale up the project for mainstream adoption of DeFi on Solana and Terra. 

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The project plans further decentralization of its AI engine and on-chain trading signals. 

The token has a maximum supply of five billion. Its self-reported circulating supply is 100 million HAWKs, and the market capitalization is US$12.2 million.

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Bottom line:

Hawksight’s trading signals reach people via its website, email, API, Telegram, Discord and chatbot. It aims to expand DeFi adoption by attracting individuals and institutions into the Solana DeFi ecosystem with AI signals, executable with a non-custodial DApp.  

But since the project is new, investors should apply caution while investing in cryptos.

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