Which are top three NFTs by sales volume?

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) of Beeple, BAYC, and CryptoPunks are arguably the most famous ones. The data tracking website, CoinMarketCap, however tracks more than 2,400 NFT projects. On any occasion, the sales volume of any of these projects can be even more than the above three most popular ones. This is one of the key aspects of the entire cryptoverse.

It is also possible that the average price of NFTs with highest sales volume is less as compared to others. Below are the three NFTs that commanded the highest 24-hour sales volume, as of writing.

1. ShitBeast

ShitBeast has a total of 10,000 assets. The NFTs of the project are listed on OpenSea, one of the biggest marketplaces for these type of digital assets. The difference in assets is with respect to body parts, beard, and background.

All 10,000 assets represent different collectible digital items. According to CoinMarketCap, ShitBeast’s total sales volume over the past 24 hours is over 950 ETH. ETH is Ethereum blockchain’s token, and it is where ShitBeast NFT transactions are recorded. The average price of NFTs sold during the 24-hour period is nearly 1.2 ETH.

Also read: What you should know about Josh Allen NFTs

2. Return of Legends S3

Return of Legends S3 uses Binance Smart Chain (BSC) instead of Ethereum. It is a collection of 12,000 items, which it claims represent “epic moments” of three football players.

Return of Legends S3 NFTs are trading on Binance NFT platform, a marketplace for assets and initial game offerings (IGOs). CoinMarketCap data indicates that NFTs worth over 1.6 million BUSD of the Return of Legends S3 project have sold over the past 24 hours. The average sales price is nearly 4,900 BUSD. A huge jump of nearly 300% in the sales volume was also observed during this period.

Also read: Top 3 NFTs by market cap other than BAYC and CryptoPunks

3. Pablos.lol

Pablos is another Ethereum-based NFT collection. It has 10,000 unique assets, with differences in terms of body parts and background.

Pablos.lol NFTs are listed on OpenSea. According to CoinMarketCap, Pablos.lol has sold assets worth over 708 ETH over the past 24 hours. The average sale price is nearly 0.18 ETH. Pablos is ranked third in terms of volume over the past 24 hours.

The above three are followed by other projects like We Are All Going To Die NFT, MAYC, and BAYC. In the entire list the average sales price of BAYC NFTs is the highest.

Selling price of Beeple’s NFTs

Also read: AS Roma Fan token volume balloons 400%; here are key features of ASR

Bottom line

Sales volumes of NFTs can change in no time and any of the thousands of projects can take the top position. But what is to be noted is that the NFT with the highest average price is not necessarily the one with the highest sales volume. This is because a greater number of the assets of other projects, often available at very low prices, can be sold.

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