Papa Johns is Making NFTs Mainstream with its NFT Collection Launch for Pizza Lovers

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Ishan Pandey

Blockchain and Technology Lawyer |Crypto Veteran | Tokenization | NFTs| DAOs| DeFi and Security Tokens |

Pizza Giant Enters the NFT Industry to Enhance Brand Interaction

NFTs are hot right now! As part of the metaverses largest ever free NFT giveaway in the UK, Papa Johns has launched its first collection of cool and collectable NFTs.

NFT enthusiasts in the UK will be able to get their hands on the collection, which includes 19,840 NFTs in nine pizza hot bag-inspired patterns, over the course of a few days in early March.


By visiting the NFT website, pizza enthusiasts can get a taste of the NFT universe and get their hands on nine uber-cool free hot bag designs, like the Papa 1984 and Papa Cheese Melt.

The Papa 1984 NFT bag combines the Gen Z trend for insulated streetwear with echoes of thermal pizza hot bags to create a one-of-a-kind fashion item. This NFT design comes in three block colourways with a colour pop tag and has a logo repetition and a convenient, adjustable crossbody strap alongside the tote handle.


The NFT bags Papa Cheese Melt and Papa Tag combine street art graffiti images with dance fashion style to highlight the hip-hop culture when Papa Johns first opened its doors in 1984.

Tezos, an energy-efficient blockchain, created Papa Johnss NFT Hot Bags, which implies the NFTs are also energy-efficient. Tezos sets the bar for energy efficiency, consuming over two million times less energy than popular Proof of Work networks. The Tezos blockchains overall yearly carbon footprint is the same as the average energy footprint of 17 humans. Furthermore, Tezos cheap gas costs enable a smooth user experience, allowing anybody to mint, host, and trade NFTs with little entry hurdles.

What is NFT and how is it slowly getting adopted into the mainstream

We already know that NFT technology has become a reality in our daily lives when we engage with digital material and applications, such as digital images, games, entertainment and movies, and other industries like real estate.


Digital artists now have a new way to monetize their work and skills with NFTs. Digital artists have raised over $2 billion in Ethereum worth in the last year alone due to the ease with which blockchain technology can verify the authenticity of an artworks original creator. A products culture of invention and innovation is nothing new to the food and beverage industry. NFTs have been introduced into the mainstream acceptance of Papa Johns NFTs, a paradigm shift in the restaurant sector.

Catch all the breaking news, and Dont forget to like the story!

Image credits: Shourav Sheikh and Alan Hardman.

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Pizza Giant Enters the NFT Industry to Enhance Brand Interaction

NFTs are hot right now! As part of the metaverses largest ever free NFT giveaway in the UK, Papa Johns has launched its first collection of cool and collectable NFTs.

NFT enthusiasts in the UK will be able to get their hands on the collection, which includes 19,840 NFTs in nine pizza hot bag-inspired patterns, over the course of a few days in early March.


By visiting the NFT website, pizza enthusiasts can get a taste of the NFT universe and get their hands on nine uber-cool free hot bag designs, like the Papa 1984 and Papa Cheese Melt.

The Papa 1984 NFT bag combines the Gen Z trend for insulated streetwear with echoes of thermal pizza hot bags to create a one-of-a-kind fashion item. This NFT design comes in three block colourways with a colour pop tag and has a logo repetition and a convenient, adjustable crossbody strap alongside the tote handle.


The NFT bags Papa Cheese Melt and Papa Tag combine street art graffiti images with dance fashion style to highlight the hip-hop culture when Papa Johns first opened its doors in 1984.

Tezos, an energy-efficient blockchain, created Papa Johnss NFT Hot Bags, which implies the NFTs are also energy-efficient. Tezos sets the bar for energy efficiency, consuming over two million times less energy than popular Proof of Work networks. The Tezos blockchains overall yearly carbon footprint is the same as the average energy footprint of 17 humans. Furthermore, Tezos cheap gas costs enable a smooth user experience, allowing anybody to mint, host, and trade NFTs with little entry hurdles.

What is NFT and how is it slowly getting adopted into the mainstream

We already know that NFT technology has become a reality in our daily lives when we engage with digital material and applications, such as digital images, games, entertainment and movies, and other industries like real estate.


Digital artists now have a new way to monetize their work and skills with NFTs. Digital artists have raised over $2 billion in Ethereum worth in the last year alone due to the ease with which blockchain technology can verify the authenticity of an artworks original creator. A products culture of invention and innovation is nothing new to the food and beverage industry. NFTs have been introduced into the mainstream acceptance of Papa Johns NFTs, a paradigm shift in the restaurant sector.

Catch all the breaking news, and Dont forget to like the story!

Image credits: Shourav Sheikh and Alan Hardman.


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